Designing Processes - Processes for Design
Silvan Oesterle

Samedi 5 novembre 2011 - 12H00
à l’École Spéciale

Dans le cadre du séminaire de 4ème année In Silico Design, initié par Paul Ehret et Philipp Eversmann, l’École Spéciale d’Architecture reçoit Silvan Oesterle, architecte de l’agence ROK, Zurich (CH).

« Silvan Oesterle is a founding partner of ROK – Rippmann Oesterle Knauss, established in 2010. He studied architecture at the ETH Zurich where he earned a Master of Science in Architecture in 2007. During his studies he worked as a designer for UNStudio (Amsterdam, 2007), Gramazio & Kohler (Zürich, 2006) and Riarch (New York, 2004). On graduation he joined the Faculty of Architecture at ETH Zurich where he works at the chair for Architecture and Digital Fabrication. Silvan Oesterle has given lectures at various schools, conferences and offices amongst which are the Architectural Association School of Architecture (London), UIC ESARQ School of Architecture (Barcelona), CITA (Copenhagen), the Smart Geometry Conference (Munich), ACADIA2009 (Chicago). »

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Amphi Cinéma, École Spéciale d’Architecture
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